ESG assessment model and analytics
ESG assessment model and analytics
ESGDS can help build ESG assessment models and analytics, covering listed and unlisted corporates, fixed income issuers, project finance, and Green Bonds.
Corporate Assessments

Portfolio and Fund Performance

Portfolio and Fund Performance

Portfolio and Fund Performance

Every portfolio exposure are assessed using the appropriate methodology and quantified on key parameters.

Individual portfolios are then aggregated by instruments and weighted by exposure.

Analyst reviews the portfolio level performance and assigns portfolio performance scores.

Portfolio performance reports are presented to regulators and stakeholders by the investors.

The outstanding loans/bond exposures are monitored, and the portfolios scores are regularly updated.

Portfolio and Fund Performance
- The assessment platform couple with our data collection abilities allows multiple end use cases.
- We can support Corporate ESG Reporting, Portfolio assessment including compliance on key regulations and taxonomy.
- Additionally, the platform supports Banks with analysis and generation of key sustainable finance reports like Project Finance, Green Bond Assessments.