India Inc. Employee Development Statistics

Analysis of India Inc’s training spends does not yield any surprises. We see that manufacturing lags in training spend, while the service sector spends are among the highest. In the service sector, IT and Financial Services are leaders. This spend also shows in the hours of training employees receive. The service sector averages around 140 hours of training per employee, while the manufacturing sector averages fall precipitously (17 hours).

While the FMCG spends are not high at an overall level, leadership training investments by FMCG exceed other industries. Financial Services and FMCG also focus on providing internal leadership opportunities to their Employees.

Select industries like Consumer Goods and Financial Services have also invested in Industry-Academia partnerships.

India Inc. Employee Development Statistics

Analysis of India Inc’s training spends does not yield any surprises. We see that manufacturing lags in training spend, while the service sector spends are among the highest. In the service sector, IT and Financial Services are leaders. This spend also shows in the hours of training employees receive. The service sector averages around 140 hours of training per employee, while the manufacturing sector averages fall precipitously (17 hours).

While the FMCG spends are not high at an overall level, leadership training investments by FMCG exceed other industries. Financial Services and FMCG also focus on providing internal leadership opportunities to their employees.

Select industries like Consumer Goods and Financial Services have also invested in Industry-Academia partnerships.

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